Company/Time frame: Virginia Farm Bureau, Richmond, VA December 2015 – August 2016
Position: Consultant
Project description: Management requested a way to process payments for the Countryway Legacy system using VFB Cash Entry System.
Challenge: I come up with a solution that didn’t require an AS400 developer to make changes the VFB cash entry system. Also, VFB’s policies are seven positions and are unique across all lines of business, whereas; Countryway policies were only six positions and were not unique across lines of business. GL also had to be modified since Countryway payments went to a different bank that VFB’s bank and management needed to keep funds separated.
Action: I developed a solution where we would temperately add a “9” to the becoming of each Countryway six position policy number and when their was a duplicate, we would set a flag to indicate a duplicate so that special handling could be performed. I also wrote test cases and executed the test cases to verify that the solution worked as intended. To address the GL requirement, I wrote a small SQL process immediately before the GL file was sent for processing that made the necessary changes.
Result: Now all Countryway payments are processed in VFB Cash entry system and applied to the Countryway legacy system. Since we went live back in August of 2016, we have process 22,205 payments worth, $10,294,754.47.